Danais, F.EN.ICE – Management of construction practices


F.EN.ICE  is the web system for the management of reconstruction interventions of public works damaged by the 2012 earthquake in Emilia Romagna.

The system is currently in use by the Commissioner Delegate for Reconstruction, in order to collect and manage the projects presented by professionals (RUP). 
 is a web application, integrated into the technological architecture of the Emilia-Romagna Region, which provides the RUP with the tools to request the delegated Commissioner for the contributions assigned for each intervention included in the Annual Reconstruction Plans.


When the user accesses the Fenice system he enters his workspace, which shows the list of interventions under his responsibility.

On the interventions already available on their desktop, the user can operate by modifying all the related data:

  • some of the general descriptive data of the intervention;
  • metric data;
  • the location of the intervention (in particular it will be necessary to correctly locate the intervention on the cartographic map).

Or by choosing the appropriate project type and recording for it all the required information regarding:

  • subjects who have a role in the project (architectural designer, structural designer, ...);
  • attachments (checking the choices of the types of documents that were submitted in paper form and/or adding free attachments);
  • economic frameworks (relating to the preliminary/definitive/executive projects presented)

Fenice therefore allows you to manage, in a completely dematerialized way, the workflow of construction practices relating to the earthquake. Since the software is registered on the reuse lists, it is possible that other public administrations will reuse this application, if necessary, for the management of similar emergencies.

The Clickode team, working with the Danais team, technically created the web application and the initial loading of the data relating to the works damaged by the earthquake.

Clickode used a completely Open Source stack for the web application (Java, Spring and PostgreSQL database) and for the initial data loading (Pentaho Data Integration). The choice, requested by the Italian public administration, fits perfectly with the expertise of the Clickode team.

2014Danais for the Emilia Romagna Region

Project website